I have allergies—can I still use khadi Natural Hair Color?

Our hair colors are made from 100% plant-based ingredients with no chemical additives, which generally makes them well-tolerated. However, as with any natural product, there’s no guarantee against allergic reactions or sensitivities. Please consult with your dermatologist or doctor before use.

To check for any reactions, we recommend doing a patch test:

  • Mix a small amount of the hair color and apply it to the inside of your elbow and behind your ear.
  • Cover with a bandage, wait for 2 hours, then rinse with water.
  • Repeat the test after 24 hours.

If no red bumps appear, it’s likely you don’t have an allergy. However, a slight itching sensation can occur due to the potent herbs stimulating blood circulation—this is not typically an allergic reaction.

For extra care, especially if you have a sensitive scalp, use khadi Neem Harmony Hair Oil and Lavender Sensitive Shampoo between colorings.

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